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Archive for the ‘Portsmouth’ Category

Welcome to the New Town Council

Tuesday, November 26th, 2024

Swearing In Ceremony – November 25, 2024

Thursday, November 21st, 2024

Swearing-in 11-25-24


Attached is the Agenda for the Swearing-in Ceremony for the new Town Council and School Committee.  Come and support your Republican committee members.


Wednesday, November 6th, 2024


Election Night Watch Party!

Monday, November 4th, 2024

We’ll see you there!!

Please vote with care!

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

Turn Rhode Island Red!!

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Come out and meet your candidates!


Please RSVP to tkaiser@protonmail.com so that we can plan for the correct amount of food.

Use this QR Code to purchase tickets or donate.

The “Border Czar’s” Record

Monday, August 26th, 2024

From Senator Marco Rubio

Vote Republican!

Ranked Choice Voting

Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

Contact: Sara Vieira, RI Fair Elections and Education
Email: rifairelections@protonmail.com

“Ranked Choice Voting = Trash Can Ballots”

A grassroots group of Progressive Democrats is attempting to sabotage the current ballot election system. Across the country, they are introducing legislation to implement ranked-choice voting (RCV), which would completely change how votes are counted.

With RCV, when no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the first round, some voters’ legitimate ballots in ranked-choice voting elections must be trashed to get to a forced majority. 

This is not a flaw in the system, it is THEIR system, RCV. 

Supporters like to call these “exhausted ballots” or “ballot exhaustion,” as if the ballots just got tired and failed to make it to the end of counting. But make no mistake, these ballots are thrown in the trash. People who took the time to educate themselves and vote no longer have a say in the election.

The number of trashed ballots is not insignificant, depending on the size of the electorate and the number of candidates, thousands or even tens of thousands of ballots are trashed. By throwing away these ballots Ranked Choice Voting is erasing their opinion and leaving their
voice unheard in the democratic system. 

According to the Foundation for Government Accountability website, the public learned of trashed ballots from the very beginning.

  • Maine was the first state to use ranked-choice voting in a federal election in
    2018. In a highly contested race in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, 8,253
    voters who wanted their voices heard instead had their ballots thrown away.
  • Alaska’s congressional special election to fill its At-Large District, nearly 15,000
    ballots were tossed from consideration. This includes more than 11,000 ballots
    that were trashed because they voted for only one Republican candidate and no
    one else.

These ballots are not “exhausted” as proponents like to pretend, they are trashed, and the voters are in effect disenfranchised. People who wanted to, and thought they had voted for a certain candidate, did not. 

State legislators seeking a solution should consider the actions of Florida, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, and Tennessee, which all banned ranked choice voting (RCV) in 2022. Alaska is also making efforts to remove RCV, with a ballot question scheduled for 2024. Legislators
aiming to safeguard ballots and the will of the people should contemplate enacting laws to prohibit RCV statewide, thereby ensuring that every vote is counted and valued.

To learn more or to get involved please visit: www.rifairelectionsandeducation.com or join our email list: rifairelections@protonmail.com.

Sara Vieira, RI Fair Elections and Education

Candidate Meet and Greet – July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

Candidates of all political persuasion met with voters at the  Valley Inn on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.  

Candidates included Republicans David Gleason, David Reise, Sharlene Patton, and Keith Hamilton; Independents Brett Fox and Mary McDowell; and Democrat Michael DiPaola.  Also present were members of the Board of Canvassers Ellen Vadney and alternate Conrad Donahue.  Even though expressly invited through the Facebook group “All Things Portsmouth”,  Charles Levesque did not make an appearance.

What Is A Republican?

Sunday, February 21st, 2016

By Allen Shers
February 18, 2016

portsmouth rep logoA Republican is moral, ethical and of high integrity.

A Republican believes in the American dream and opportunity for all through individual effort.

A Republican believes in American exceptualism.

A Republican believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

A Republican believes in the American family.

A Republican believes in the right to bear arms.

A Republican believes in the right to life.

A Republican believes in a strong military.

A Republican appreciates, respects and feels an obligation to our veterans.

A Republican believes in the right to work.

Support for these tenets is critical.  I point to two recent events:


  • The death of Justice Scalia and naming of a new Supreme Court Justice.


  • Recent legislation for bridge and highway Tolls highlights the importance of a valid two party system and the need to eliminate the lopsided Democratic advantage in the Rhode Island legislature.

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